


         W H A R F W O R K S




            Marianne Plomp

   Alphen aan den Rijn-NL



     Instagram: Wharfworks



Bij een klik op de icoontjes bovenin: Wharfworks, Work, Whart, Blog, Contact een selectie van de werken en artistieke activiteiten van Wharfworks Kunstwerken en Studio Whart.

Recent werk is te zien op mijn Instagram accounts: @wharfworks en @janne_wharfworks. (Klik op de link boven).


Paintings, drawings, objects, sculptures, installation and performance.


"I use all kinds of material to tell my story.

My work contains and is influenced by icons, unique mythical figures and scenes from ancient art and cultures, video games and fantasy films.

What fascinates me and reflects in my work is the relationship of human nature with old spiritual sources in contrast with the modern fashionable world. I am also fascinated by the spiritual meaning which has been given to nature since time immemorial. Most of my work is project based, dealing with social-cultural and environmental topics".


At Royal Academy of the Arts Den Haag I successfully completed my propedeuse direction autonomous in 1990. I started working at several theme's, feeling more a creative mind than an artist..

From 1989 to 1993 I made a study in art in coöperation with the late artist and inventor of the Kunstuitleen Pieter Kooistra. His book and foundation Uno Income for all People inspired me to the Democratic Economic Alternative (D.E.AL.) in 2012, a plan based on a basic income.


As member of foundation HUNI (Hulp Noord Ierland/Aid Northern Ireland) 1992-1999, I organised art- and theatre projects with Northern Irish youths. The stories and poems from the kids inspired me to make The Wall. A poetic story about life in four parts: 21 paintings, 7 textiles and a text (1995-1999). An exposition of the 21 paintings during millenium december/january 2000 in the Laurens Church Rotterdam was impressive.

The Arc, a triptych from The Wall story in cross form, I painted commissioned by the HUNI in 1999 and was a gift for the Northern Irish people. The triptych can be seen in the Waterfronthall in Belfast. "Wharfworks"started there and then.

In 2012 The Arc was added to the Public Catalogue Foundation of the United Kingdom (

The Wall is a constant source of inspiration. On the 5th of May (Liberation day Second World War Holland 1940/1945) in 2017 my partner Ton Peterse and me organised an exposition and installation about The Wall: The White Wall with Braintales dance performance in theatre Castellum Alphen aan den Rijn. An installation with paintings, drawings, figures in costume, objects and architectural pieces.


Concern with the environment caused that I started working with Hemp.

Costumes made of environmental friendly hemp fabric, painted and sculptured. As member of Fashion Platform The Hague in 1995 it led to an exhibion in Haags Gemeentemuseum and the Atrium.


In 2014 I started Studio WHART Design.

A vof coöperation between Wharfworks Art and Ton Peterse Art2B2 Bouwprojectmanagement ( Originated from our shared interest in art and architecture. For several years Ton worked as a projectmanager at the workplace of Atelier van Lieshout Rotterdam.

Startup Monobanda Utrecht (now Studio Monobanda) could count on his technical knowledge and help.

Next to the fact that Ton builts my designs, he is an excellent carpenter, we love to collaborate with other disciplines and artists for the realisation of projects at social-cultural and environmental basis. My Weblog shows examples of succesfull coöperations in the past.


From 2005 up till now we are inspired by today youths and care about them.

With a number of students, punks, young artists and musicmakers we transformed an old industrial building in Alphen aan den Rijn into studio's for artists, bands and rooms for exhibitions, theatre, indoor skate park (CPA, Cultural Platform Alphen).

Resulting in 2007 in Galerie Beeldverhalen, to give young artists a start after their study. Tim de Groot, Michiel Kauw-A-Tjoe, Jan willem Campmans, Lobke van Aar, Christine Tau. Several Open Ateliers gave more artists a stage with us.

In 2013 we were partners in de Doorloop. Dreespassage 7 Alphen. "The Art of Construction". Expositions with a number of artists in shops, ment to be demolished for new architecture.

Rap&Graph (2015-2017) a new city artspace in Castellum theatre Alphen was our latest initiative. A hotbed for creativity, Street- and Urban artists, poetry, spoken word and performance. Design of the actors and artist rooms and a exhibition in the theatre gallery with our work and several stencil artists and writers. Efe-case; Ninapaintina, Simian Switch, Studio Mittens, Michiel Kauw-A-Tjoe,, Satoshi-Nakamoto, Murk-stencils, La Tash, Saali-art, Howlinquin.devreede, Serge_kb. With the Schrijftafel van Berdie Bartels, poetry and shortwriting.


In between: Corona Silence! Informal care was needed.

We could only think of and design about a very different new world wide situation. 


2023, March 17 and 18: Brabant Art Fair, Koepelhal Tilburg.

We received a Brabant Art Award with our Whart Installation.

Theme: Iconic images of legends, myths and fairy tales.


2025, Febr. 8 and 9. Art Eindhoven in Klokgebouw. 5 Fairy Lights, 4 Sacred Tree panels and 4 Night Butterflies on a Ficus leaf.


In my weblog you can find some history posts. Check Instagram for my today artnews. Enjoy!


All material copyright Wharfworks Marianne Plomp all rights reserved.


KvK Art2B2: 85117846 


Website: Robert van Kints,  e-mail: